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Bazzu is a strange character, not just because of his fascinations with socks, including wearing them on his hands, but also because it's the '60s, so he has to be weird to fit in. Bazzu struggles with the traumas of life, and near the end of a series, comes across a dangerous character that could end his life, in more ways than one.

Nick is an essential character to the series, because without his ability to faint, the series would not be very humourous. A dark mystery clouds the reason to why Nick faints, but it will make a pivotal difference later on in the series.

The Executor's hobbies include defying gravity, and making installments on the van, though little does he know the harmless installments can cause a worrying stir for the future of the Costanza Falcon crew.

Luke has a very somber appearance, making the obvious, and plot changing comments in the series. Later on, he will make a heart breaking decision, well, heart breaking to Bazzu's emotions at least.

Kramer is the sole driver of the van, as it appears no-one else has the ability to drive. After over-coming racist chants, Kramer goes on to make a big difference in the series, as his driving capabilities are put to the test at a most vital point in the story.

Jostein holds a massive key to the story, though it's so massive, he hides it in the van's boot, and the key is never seen. Jostein sits on his warmly rug, and suddenly builds a strong relationship with a dog named Waz. Jostein also suffers from depressing moments through the story, as he must make some big decisions.

The Threatener
The Threatener, or TT, has always been a noticable character, if for nothing else, his wierd eye defect, but will the mystery of his red eyes be realised? He plays, possibly, the biggest role, as his faults put the crew in danger.

Waz joins the series in 1962, though this dog is no roll-over, he does strike an unlikely friendship with Jostein. This dog likes to get up to trouble, and sometimes stays away from the crew, and could well be up to something, but only at the end is it realised his potential to the plot.